improv & sketch comedy in hawaii
The seasoned professionals at On The Spot Improv are beginning another round of the Improv Academy. You have the choice of Improv Fundamentals (10:00-noon) or Musical Improv (noon-2:00). Both guarantee you’ll expand your improv horizons as you play with new ideas, new games, and new forms.
New Saturday Academy of Improv classes for August. Improv Fundamentals with R Kevin, Alissa, and Garrick at 10 am. Learn the fundamentals of improv, how to build confidence on and off stage, and how to connect with you scene partners. $125 for 5 classes or 30 each drop in. Save $25 by taking all 5 classes.
Musical Improv 101: How to Improvise Songs with Garrick, R Kevin, and Sean-Joseph at 12 noon. learn how to make up song instantly with a live musician. $150 for 5 weeks or $40 each drop in. save $50 by taking all 5 classes.
Check out their Facebook Page for more info, or just drop by!