improv & sketch comedy in hawaii
Taught By Garrick Paikai & R Kevin Garcia Doyle “Improvised Acting” delves into the idea that good improv comes from a good foundation in acting. This class focuses on the honing your acting chops to polish your improv skills. Among the things students will learn in this class are the fundamentals of acting using Uta Hagen, Viola Spolin, and Meisner acting techniques, How to develop strong characters instantly, and an introduction to narrative story telling.
NEXT CLASS SESSION STARTS – Saturday May 18 at The ARTS at Marks Garage Classes starts at 10:00am to 12:00pm. there are 8 Class Sessions. Cost: $200 for all eight classes of $30 for one drop in class. The ARTS at Marks is located at 1159 Nuuanu Ave. Honolulu HI