improv & sketch comedy in hawaii
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.”
― Henry David Thoreau
Living in the moment. Mindfulness. Being in the present. Improv is all about responding to what is happening the moment. Good improvisers act in the present. They aren’t stuck in the past or planning for the future. Improv is chock-full of exercises and games designed to get you out of your head and into the present moment. Think Fast will be covering many of these in our Improv Skills: The Moment classes in February.
February’s Improv Skills Drop-In improv classes are focused on getting you to focus on the present moment to be a more effective performer and just enjoy life more. Topics to be covered include: getting out of your head, focusing on the moment, listening, and heightening/supporting what’s happening on-stage.
Our Improv Skills are every Tuesday and open to everyone regardless of improv experience level. If you’ve never improvised before, that’s great! Our instructors are gentle and have plenty of experience to share.
About The Instructor
Drew McCalmon has over 15 years improv and theater performance experience. He received his improvisational training in Florida from the renowned SAK Comedy Lab in Orlando where he was a show host as well as well as a member of Generation ‘S’. Drew is also an alumni member of Absent Minded Improv in Orlando and Comedy Buffet in Winter Haven. Since moving to Hawaii in 2012 Drew has become an active member in the improv community and joined Think Fast soon after arriving. Drew created and directs the character-driven long form “The BFF Show” which appeared in Improvaganza 2014.
Classes are held every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:30.