In this class, students will focus on heightening, patterns, third beats and group games to put together a “Harold” showcase at the end of 301c.
Prerequisite: Must have completed Improvhi Level 201c within 1 year.
All classes are 2 hours long. Students will learn the value of “yes, and”-ing, listening, agreement, support, and more in a safe, non judgmental environment.
Class Dates:
Wednesdays: 5/22, 5/29, 6/5
Class Times:
7pm – 9pm
Class Cost:
$75 (6 hours of instruction total)
Class Location:
All classes will be held at Happiness U at SALT in Kakaako
691 Auahi Street Honolulu, HI 96813 – Second floor down the hall from Hungry Ear
Metered street or paid structure
Kimee B.
See all improvhi class descriptions here