This class will take the tools learned in our 101 Basics classes and apply them to comedic long form improv scenes. Students will dive deep into finding the “funny” of their scenes, building relationships, identifying patterns, heightening within the scene and group games. Students will also be introduced to several different long form openings to help generate ideas for their scenes.
All classes are 2 hours long. Students will learn the value of “yes, and”-ing, listening, agreement, support, and more in a safe, nonjudgmental environment.
Students will also have the opportunity to perform in a class showcase at The Revolusun Showroom on May 20th at 7pm.
Must have completed 201A and 201B within 1 year
Class Dates:
Wednesdays – 5/1, 5/8, 5/15
Class Cost:
$75 (6 hours of instruction total)
Class Times:
7pm – 9pm
Class Location:
All classes will be held at Happiness U at SALT in Kakaako
691 Auahi Street Honolulu, HI 96813 – Second floor down the hall from Hungry Ear
Metered street or paid structure
Jose V.
See all improvhi class descriptions here
All students should review the improvhi house rules before starting their classes.