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Hey Improv Hawaii Friends!
Thanks for always having our backs! Your monthly support will allow us to keep producing live virtual shows AND help us to run classes while continuing to compensate our amazing instructors.
We’ve created 3 levels for you to choose from.
Yellow Level Perks
- Access to full, unlisted video-on-demand library.
Red Level Perks
- $5 monthly credit that may be used towards Improvhi Core Classes & Study Halls (Special Workshops not included).
- Access to full, unlisted video-on-demand library.
Orange Level Perks
- Your name/company in Improv Hawaii live stream credits.
- Limited Edition “Yes, And Aloha” Face Mask. (estimated delivery Oct. 2020)
- $10 monthly credit that may be used towards Improv Hawaii Core Classes & Study Halls (Special Workshops not included).
- Access to our full, unlisted video-on-demand library.
Mahalo for supporting the arts. We SUPER APPRECIATE you and can’t wait to see you all in person again soon!
Team Improv Hawaii