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Group Game Workshop


You know what a group game is— but why are they so DANG TRICKY?! Come figure out the best ways to initiate and play premise based group games. Learn how to OWN group games and make them your… friend! Class length: 2 hours Prerequisite: Should be familiar with long form improv comedy. Recommended for students […]

$2 – $45

Forms Workshop: The Pretty Flower


Let's break down improv into more improv! In this workshop you will learn the Pretty Flower improv form. We will set up a base scene and branch out to explore the character's quirks for a few moments and return to find more quirks. Get ready to follow the fun in Pretty Flowers! Class length: 2 […]

$2 – $45

Study Hall: Short Form


The Improvhi Study Hall is designed to get students to keep players warmed up. Less like a class and more like a practice group, our study hall will give you a good amount of rep time that will leave you refreshed and ready! Sessions may include: Exploring new openings, building strong initiations, short form games, […]


Improv Hawaii Drop-In Class


NEW Improv Hawaii Drop In classes are open to all levels. Drop in classes will focus on several different topics including: short form, long form, openings, heightening, etc. Subject will depend on who is leading the class that night. All drop ins will begin with warm ups. Great way for newbies to get a little […]


Improv Hawaii Global Jam


Other than our Student Showcases and Bimonthly Shows, there isn’t a lot of Improvised Jamming going on right now. We know you’re craving that kind of free flowing interaction, and that so many of you are coming up with creative, new forms, with nowhere to perform them. We want to give you a chance to […]


Improv Hawaii Drop-In Class


NEW Improv Hawaii Drop In classes are open to all levels. Drop in classes will focus on several different topics including: short form, long form, openings, heightening, etc. Subject will depend on who is leading the class that night. All drop ins will begin with warm ups. Great way for newbies to get a little […]


Beginning Short Form Improv Workshop


Got a craving for short form improv? You the games you see on the TV show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” This workshop is 100% games! Students will play a variety of short form games, including ones seen in our Saturday shows. The class will explore the different genres of games and go over […]

$2 – $100

Level 101: The Basics (No experience needed)


Trying improv for the first time or just getting back into the swing of things? This intro level set of classes are designed to give you the basic tools of improv comedy. Students will learn the value of “yes, and”-ing, listening, agreement, support, and basic character development  in a safe, non judgmental environment. At the […]

$2 – $200

Level 201: Finding The Funny (must have completed 101)


This class will take the tools learned in our 101 Basics classes and apply them to comedic long form improv scenes. Students will dive deep into finding the interesting or the “funny” of their scenes by building relationships, identifying patterns, heightening within the scene and exploring group games. At the end of the 201 session, […]

$2 – $200

Level 301: Heightening and Patterns (must have completed 201)


In this class, students will work on expanding their scenes through heightening, tag outs and walk ons while continuing to refine their performance work. At the end of the 301 session, students will have the opportunity to perform a showcase for invited guests. Class length: Six 2.5 hour classes = 15 hours of instruction Prerequisite: […]

$2 – $200

Improv Hawaii Drop-In Class


NEW Improv Hawaii Drop In classes are open to all levels. Drop in classes will focus on several different topics including: short form, long form, openings, heightening, etc. Subject will depend on who is leading the class that night. All drop ins will begin with warm ups. Great way for newbies to get a little […]


Slightly Off: A Virtual Improv Comedy Show


"Slightly Off" is our signature virtual improv comedy show that you can enjoy from the comfort and safety of your own home. Watch us navigate through all the technical difficulties while still making stuff up on the spot! Featuring short form, long form and maybe a little bit of musical. Every First Saturday at 7:30pm […]

Improv Hawaii Global Jam


Other than our Student Showcases and Bimonthly Shows, there isn’t a lot of Improvised Jamming going on right now. We know you’re craving that kind of free flowing interaction, and that so many of you are coming up with creative, new forms, with nowhere to perform them. We want to give you a chance to […]


Super Beginner Improv Workshop


Wanna try some improv, but been don't feel like you're ready?'re definitely ready for this class! Trust us! In this SUPER BEGINNER WORKSHOP you'll learn the very basics of improv through fun group games. Good for shy folks and big hams. Try something new with super fun folks! Class length: 1 hour Prerequisite: No […]


Super Beginner Improv Workshop


Wanna try some improv, but been don't feel like you're ready?'re definitely ready for this class! Trust us! In this SUPER BEGINNER WORKSHOP you'll learn the very basics of improv through fun group games. Good for shy folks and big hams. Try something new with super fun folks! Class length: 1 hour Prerequisite: No […]


Super Beginner Improv Workshop


Wanna try some improv, but been don't feel like you're ready?'re definitely ready for this class! Trust us! In this SUPER BEGINNER WORKSHOP you'll learn the very basics of improv through fun group games. Good for shy folks and big hams. Try something new with super fun folks! Class length: 1 hour Prerequisite: No […]


Level 101: The Basics (No experience needed)


Trying improv for the first time or just getting back into the swing of things? This intro level set of classes are designed to give you the basic tools of improv comedy. Students will learn the value of “yes, and”-ing, listening, agreement, support, and basic character development  in a safe, non judgmental environment. At the […]

$2 – $200

Sketch Comedy Writing 101: The Basics


This course is an introduction to the philosophy on sketch comedy, specifically using "the game" to write short comedic scenes. Each week students will engage in writing exercises that will explore different sketch formats. Students will be exposed to different methods for turning funny ideas into even funnier written sketches. Students will leave the class […]

$2 – $200