improv & sketch comedy in hawaii
This class will take the tools learned in our 101 Basics class and apply them to comedic long-form improv scenes. Students will dive deep into finding the interesting or the “funny” of their scenes by identifying shiny objects in the opening, creating strong initiations, and listening.
Two 2-hour classes on Monday, 6/5/23 and Monday, 6/12/23
Prerequisite: Must have completed Improv Hawaii’s 101 Series or be pre-approved by Improv Hawaii.
Tiny Stage Hawaii, 419 South Street #163 Honolulu, HI 96813
The entrance is on South Street between Auahi and Pohukaina. Walk down small steps and follow the hallway to the left. Wheelchair-accessible entrance off of Pohukaina St.
Watch this video for directions.
Max class size: 12
Instructor: Kimee B.
*instructors subject to change without notice
All students should review the improvhi house rules before starting their classes.