“Regards!” is a collection of original comedy sketches written by members of Honolulu’s Think Fast Improv: Rory Franzen, David K Jones (@DKJcomedy), Larissa Nielsen(@nielaris), and Ben St John(@BenjaminStJohn). Franzen, Jones, and Nielsen write and produce the web series Someplace Classy and are founding members of Think Fast Improv. Writing together since 2010, this is the 3rd sketch comedy show the group has produced, following last year’ sold out shows in February and August.
Special Musical Guests: Dillion O’Claray and Hannah Cordill
Doors open at 7:30pm and the show begins at 8pm.
Tickets are $10 at the door at Ong King Arts Center located on 184 N. King Street.
WHERE: Ong King, 184 N.King Street
WHEN: Friday, Feb 27
TIMES: 7:30pm doors open, 8pm show begins!
TICKETS: $10 at door
PARKING: Chinatown Municipal Parking ($3) on Smith/Nimtz and River/Nimitz
About Ong King Art Center
Located on the second floor at 184 N King St, Honolulu, Ong King Arts Center’s mission is to “make a sustainable art community. It is a space for creative risk taking, and artistic mastery.” Ong King hosts a weekly open mic for performance artists and a First Friday Variety Show every month. It is also the site of Think Fast’s twice a month improv comedy shows. Ong King has a bar by donation and $5 All You Can Drink Kava. Also, an awesome dog.